Sunday 2 August 2020


Twice I had visited this mighty church in previous occasions and never got beyond the screen below!
Summer 2019 was to be different. It had been an overcast day and the opulence of this interior is not easily forgotten 
Diessen was a former 11th century Augustinian foundation and was rebuilt 1732-9 to the designs of JM Fischer - his first independent work. (Berg am Laim was next and there are similarities) It is a longitudinal wall pillar church with entrance bay under  the organ loft, four bay nave, choir with dome and narrower apsidal sanctuary and a single southwest tower. I had remembered the interior  as stately and this is the best description.

 This church is a great example of what has been described as  "Theatrum sacrum" : which means the high altar is very dominant and side wing altars varying in size and design all send the eye by stages to the high altar, and to the back scene of the altar. this can be changed according to the season. Over the years I have seen many photos and peered through the grilles in person and can now understand how true this concept is here.

High altar is by Francois Cuvillies flanked by statues of the four Fathers of the Church possibly by Joachim Dietrich. There is a fine  pulpit b y JB Straub.
Fresco by Johann Georg Bergmuller. Here Christ is surrounded by local saints

There is fine stucco work by Franz Xaver , JM Feuchtmayr and Georg Ubelhem.

Fresco by JG Bergmuller. 1736 with Mary as the patron of the abbey.

In sum, this is a magnificent interior with high quality decoration, furnishings, pulpit, frescos and sculpture. Lucky indeed are those who can worship here - but I haven't heard the organ! Bet the church has a wonderful acoustic which acts as a magnificent sounding board.

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